B.U.D.S. C для мотовездеходов side-by-side
What's New?
-> Added support of SSV ACS module
-> Display ECM hour meter with 4 digits
-> Solved Reset maintenance issues and Display message
2. Uninstallation
To uninstall B.U.D.S. from your system:
1. From Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
2. In the list of installed software, select B.U.D.S. and then click on
3. Revision History
Version: C3.3.0.5 June 20, 2011 (SSV Edition)
-> Removed update file:
- Removed 715 900 195.fc for Update SSV ECM
Version: C3.3.0.4 May 7, 2011 (SSV Edition)
-> New BUDS numbering version
-> ECM Bosch SSV MY2012 Hour meter of 4 bytes
-> Added new SSV XT cluster LED for monitoring lamp and input
-> Removed cluster SSV XT -60 engine temp offset
-> Added SSV Vehicle Configuration
-> Added cluster SSV XT monitoring LED
-> Solved problem of KWP2000.dll exception violation in Demo mode
-> Finalize new DTC fault template
-> Added new update file:
- Added 715 900 195.fc for Update SSV ECM