Обновленный BUDS ALL L3311SF What's New? ---------------
-> Offical versions for BRP products MY2006 and earlier -> Added new update files: - Added 296 000 347.fc for Sea-Doo.
2. Uninstallation ------------------
To uninstall B.U.D.S. from your system: 1. From Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs. 2. In the list of installed software, select B.U.D.S. and then click on Add/Remove.
3. Revision History --------------------
Version L3.3.1.1 - July 18th, 2011 -> Fix printer issue that prevent BUDS to start
Version L3.3.0.1 - January 10th, 2011 (All Products MY2006 and earlier) -> Offical versions for BRP products MY2006 and earlier -> MPI-1 support removed -> License for this version can be retreived from BossWeb -> Version numbered according to the new "One letter, Three numbers" scheme